India today appeared to be on the brink of what might be a protracted recession, BJP president Rajnath Singh told a press conference in Bangalore.
After opening their track and field campaign in a spectacular fashion with two gold and a silver on Sunday, Indian athletes came a cropper on Monday as they failed to collect a single medal on the second day of the competitions in Guangzhou.
Taking India's Look East policy a step further, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday announced visa-on-arrival facility for citizens of Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and Laos; and emphasised the need to speed up the finalisation of a free trade agreement in services and investment between India and South East Asian nations.
Chinese paddlers reasserted continental supremacy on Friday by defending both the men's and women's team titles on the fourth day of the 19th Asian Table Tennis Championships while Indian men finished a distant seventh in the Champions Division.
Slow domestic growth, global ambitions will prompt deals similar to MTN, say analysts
The story of the 1962 war with China has all the elements of a dramatic historical event. Nehru's handling of the crisis and panic reactions were in marked contrast to the cool and confident Kennedy. The generous and prompt response by JFK made him an icon in India. But the US State Department, under pressure from Pakistan and with British support, scuttled the chances of a more lasting India-US alliance, say Colonel Anil Athale (retd).
The study, titled 'Fifty years of violent war deaths from Vietnam to Bosnia: analysis of data from the world health survey programme', published in the British Medical Journal said: 'War causes more deaths than previously estimated, and there is no evidence to support a recent decline in war deaths'.
Growth in the east Asia region would be dragged down by the poor performance of countries like Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
The proposed bill would suspend all pending visa petitions from countries refusing to take back illegal immigrants until they agree to repatriate our deportees. The legislation would also direct the State Department to withhold funds under the Foreign Assistance Act to countries that persist in this refusal. India is amongst eight countries to have refused to repatriate illegal migrants.
Ducks, rice and human beings -- and not chickens are the "most significant factors" behind persistent outbreaks of bird flu, a new study has claimed. The study released by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) found ducks, rice and people not chickens to be the "most significant factors" in the spread of the bird flue in Thailand and Vietnam.
Set up an auxiliary intelligence corps like the territorial army or the auxiliary air force. It should consist of part-time volunteers for intelligence collection by people in other professions who want to or are willing to help the intelligence agencies. Their links with the intelligence agencies must be protected by making the training course a short one and on an one-to-one basis, instead of holding it in a class where everyone becomes aware of the identities of others.
The US government had on January 23 offered to check the availability of Tamiflu syrup for children from worldwide stocks, provide technical support for human surveillance, diagnosis, and preparedness and technical support for animal surveillance and culling.
The joint exercise will begin on December 21 with the spotlight on anti-terrorism drills, with China expected to draw upon the experience of Indian troops known for expertise gained in their counter-insurgency operations.
Differences among the Association of South-East Asian Nations came to the fore on Tuesday night when 10 heads of governments aborted a briefing by United Nations Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari on the Myanmar situation after Prime Minister Gen Thein Sein strongly opposed the move.
He has never won an Oscar for acting. Gran Torino may at least give him a nomination for his performance.
While releasing the Vision 2020 document, Manmohan Singh announced a plethora of schemes that included a robust infrastructural plan encompassing upgrade of airports, linking of all the capitals with rail and Rs 31,000 crore (Rs 310 billion) for road improvement, to spur up development of the northeast. The announcement came close on the heels of India signing an agreement with Myanmar for developing the Myanmarese port of Sittwe.
Two Indian enterprises have won top prizes at this year's prestigious Ashden Awards for sustainable energy, popularly known as the 'Green Oscars'.
The decision by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom to place India on its 'Watch List,' for what it said was "the government's largely inadequate response to protecting religious minorities," will not impact in any way on the growing US-India strategic partnership, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert Blake has said.
The number beats the previous record of 199 teams which entered for the 2002 World Cup finals.
A third Chinese airline company, China Southern, will launch direct flights to India this year to tap the increasing traffic potential arising out of booming bilateral trade.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will leave for the 5th Indo-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit and the 2nd East Asian summit to be held in Cebu, Philippines on Saturday morning.
The proposed Foreign Trade Agreement between India and Asean got a boost today as trade ministers of Asean countries agreed to India's proposal for reducing the negative list to 490 items
On the sidelines of the India-ASEAN summit, Prime Minister Singh might also have bilateral meetings with some of the leaders. spoke to Dahiya and learnt that the state CPI-M unit, though insignificant in terms of political seats, is quietly helping people and changing archaic caste equations.
The Chinese foreign minister, summing up Hu's 4-nation tour, did not say anything on the boundary issue, endorsing the Indo-US nuclear issue or even Sino-Indian civilian nuclear cooperation.
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The announcement to admit Pakistan in ASEM was made at Helsinki on Monday following the sixth Summit of the organisation.
Scientists have identified a gene that allows rice plants to survive floods; a development that could help poor farmers especially in India who are having a tough time braving floods.
By setting up a unit in a Least Developed Countries, India could take advantage of 'Trips Declaration' in the WTO that allows LDCs to produce generic drugs up to 2016 at a cheaper cost to address public health concerns.
India and China account for 64 per cent of GDP in 23 Asian countries included in a study but rank quite low when it comes to benefits percolating to their people.
India's 9 per cent GDP growth may not mean much for the masses, going by an ADB study which says India is ranked 17 among 23 when economies are compared based on a measure of people's economic well-being.
A number of Indian B-schools have decided to establish offshore campuses, and the Middle East nations and Singapore are clearly emerging as the favourite destinations.
In a glittering ceremony, former president Bill Clinton Thursday evening presented six individuals, including New Delhi-based Ruchira Gupta -- journalist, activist and policymaker, who for the past 25 years has worked relentlessly for women's and girl's rights, especially the ending of their sex trafficking -- with the 2009 Clinton Global Citizen Awards.
Hundreds of Congress workers on Tuesday demonstrated outside the party president Sonia Gandhi's residence as news came of her reluctance to accept the prime minister's office.
A Kerala company involved in tackling the problem of dumped food waste and a Karnataka firm that has provided thousands of rural families dung-based biogas plants are among 10 global projects shortlisted for the Ashden Awards
China will honour its Free Trade Area agreements with its trading partners, levy negotiated tariffs on some Indian goods